Maintaining regular attendance is of vital importance to succeed in school. All students are expected to attend school every day unless the student is ill, has a justified appointment, or had a death in the immediate family.
Students are tardy after 8:15 a.m. (Dexter). At the Dexter campus all children entering school after this time must enter the building at the Dexter Avenue entrance and obtain a tardy/admittance slip from the main office.
Excessive Tardiness
Parents, guardians, and caregivers initially will be contacted by the classroom teacher if a student is consistently tardy to school. The classroom teacher will also alert the School Leader and Truancy Officer. Habitual tardies will be followed up by the Truancy Officer and if the tardies continue the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney will be contacted. Excessive tardies will cause students to miss valuable class time which may lead to missed class work resulting in failure of an academic grade.
Middle School Classroom Tardiness
Students have an allotted time to pass to their next class. If a student is late they must sign-in the classroom and will be penalized.
Excused Absences
If your child is going to be absent, please call the office by 8 a.m. on the day of the absence.
313.340.0023 for the Dexter campus
A note from a parent, guardian or caregiver must be written explaining the child’s absence and must be brought in the day the child returns. An absence from school will be excused for:
1. Illness
2. Death in family
3. Dental/medical appointment
4. Court appearance or
5. Hospitalization
Dress Codes
All students are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance while at the academy. All shirts and blouses must be long enough to stay tucked in.
Dress code for girls:
Red blouse with a collar and long or short sleeves
Red turtle neck tops may be worn in cold temperatures
Dark red sweaters, or fleece tops with NO writing
Dark blue skirt, pants or jumper
Black dress shoes
​Dress code for boys:
Red button down dress shirt or red polo shirt.
Dark blue or black pants, dark blue or black shorts in warm temperatures.
Dark redbsweaters, or fleece tops with NO writing.
Black dress shoes